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Our Sustainability Commitment

Our impact extends from the materials that we use in our frames to the way our spectacles lenses are produced. To the change we instil by inspiring clients to make sustainable eyewear choices, radiating the impact of doing good whilst making them feel the best version of themselves. To be in harmony with nature and sustainability, we aim to create a business that not only preserves, but also heals and regenerates. This is our ambition; to leave the earth better than how we found it, for our children, and our children’s children.

Bridge Full of Plants

Striving for Progress

We do not claim to be perfect, nor ever will we be. Continuous questioning of how we can be better sits deep within us. Our environmental concerns are in line with the worldwide challenges we are all facing; climate change, increased pollution, loss of biodiversity and shortage of natural resources. The environment is in serious need of collective and urgent action. 

Tree Planting

We plant a tree for every 18 months you are part of CBTR Always. This is aligned with our commitment to invest in nature-based solutions to alleviate our impact on the planet. We have partnered with Ecologi to plant trees, as well as other certified carbon avoidance projects. They are a UK based company focusing on reforestation. 

Planting a Tree
Glasses and newspaper


We are delighted to have partnered with Nikon who believe our footprint on the planet is just as important as our vision. Water is used to manufacture spectacle lenses, and 75% of Nikon's water waste is either reused or recycled. In addition, Nikon's spectacle lenses are manufactured in the UK using renewable energy. The environmental impact of our spectacle lenses continues to be reviewed and reduced.


We are extremely selective with our frame suppliers, only working with those who have good sustainability and ethical policies, whilst also creating exceptional quality products.Our mission statement is 'Always uncompromising in quality and care whilst wholeheartedly committed to sustainability' so it's essential our brand partners share our vision and values. 

Close up image of person wearing glasses
Contact lenses on a leaf

Contact Lens Recycling

We are proud to offer Johnson & Johnson's contact lens recycle programme, enabling clients to easily recycle their contact lenses and the blister/foil packaging after use. The programme is available to all soft contact lens wearers; find our recycling boxes in practice! 

Spectacle Recycling

We gladly collect unwanted or damaged spectacles. These are donated to The Lions Club who sort and send spectacles to eye clinics in Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria, and Nepal. In addition, recycled materials from broken spectacles give financial support to eye-related projects in the UK and overseas. Find our donation box in practice!

Spectacle glasses in a forest
Laptop with green accessories on grass

Practice Policies

At CBTR Opticians we have adopted a paperless policy; our client records are digital and (where possible) your prescriptions, recommendations, and recall reminders will be emailed to you. We recycle our waste and use energy-saving lighting in the practice.

The Future

What is a true regenerative, sustainable way forward for CBTR Opticians and the eyecare/eyewear industry as a whole? That is not yet clear, however, we are convinced traditional ways of manufacturing and the way we shop need a drastic makeover if we are to grasp our sustainability vision.

Forest with sunshine

Live better.

See Better.

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